GREE Group's manga business includes the manga platform business through the “DADAN” manga app, which delivers manga to customers widely, the manga production studio business “STUDIO DADAN”, which produces excellent manga works, and the DX business, through the “DEDEN” cloud tool.

Manga app “DADAN”

Own manga app “DADAN” offers globally the wonderful works of art created through the entertainment of manga. We provide new manga experiences through this business.


We plan and produce manga with a focus on vertical reading based on GREE Group's experiences in content planning, production, and IP production.

Cloud tool “DEDEN”

“DEDEN” is a cloud-based tool equipped with bibliographic information, file management, and file creation functions such as EPUB, story splitting, and translation necessary for e-book management operations. It centralizes the management of e-books, which tends to become complicated, and enables easy and quick processing.