IPSJ and GREE to Support Young Engineers- Holding Programming Contest “IPSJ International AI Programming Contest ‘SamurAI Coding’” -
TOKYO, Japan - April 27, 2012 - Information Processing Society of Japan and GREE announced today that they will hold a programming contest “IPSJ* International AI Programming contest ‘SamurAI coding’” for young engineers.

Right: Yoshikazu Tanaka, GREE, Inc. CEO
With the intensifying need for high quality engineers as the internet industry rapidly grows, this programming contest aims to cultivate the younger generation who can become leading researchers and developers and become successful on a global level. Engineers from around the globe who are the age of 25 and below are eligible to apply for this contest and the qualifying rounds will commence from July 2012 in 4 regions throughout the world. Contestants will be competing their engineering skills for games and the remaining teams will move on to the finals. Participating engineers will be able to measure their skills on a global level through this contest.
Founded in 1960, the IPSJ has been a leading authority in information processing, focusing on computer sciences and communications, contributing to academic, cultural, and industrial development. The decision to host this contest was based on strong need to cultivate students and young engineers who can navigate through today's dramatic evolution of internet technology and business. The contest will provide the contestants with an opportunity to refine their skills, network with other contestants, as well as a chance to challenge themselves on a global level.
GREE is accelerating its global expansion by developing the "GREE Platform", which will enable global seamless application service from April-June, 2012, as well as opening offices in nine countries around the world. With the expansion, GREE also focuses on searching for engineers capable of responding to the users' needs in order to strengthen the internet-related development skills globally including social gaming and platforms. GREE has held programming contests for college students to cultivate promising engineers, and will contribute further to foster engineers with this “SamurAI coding.”
The IPSJ and GREE will continue to cultivate and nurture people who can contribute to the internet industry beginning with this programming contest, and will further contribute to all industries.
IPSJ International AI Programming Contest "SamurAI Coding" Overview
- The qualifying round will be held in four regions around the world starting from July 2012
- The final round will be held around the end of 2012
* The contest is expected to be held after 2012
- Compete game programming versus others
- The official language will be English (partially Japanese)
* Details will be announced on the official homepage (http://samuraicoding.org)
*IPSJ: Information Processing Society of Japan
Contact Information
Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, 6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
E-mail: pr@gree.co.jp
URL: https://corp.gree.net/jp/en/
Twitter: @GREE_pr_jp